Knocking down walls, relationships that survive renovations

Renovations or building projects are a litmus for your relationship, testing communication skills, ability to compromise and maximize individual strengths.

Find storage space just by going sailing

Storage Design

Nobody knows how to maximize storage like a sailor! A few years ago we were invited to join relatives on their sailboat in the British Virgin Islands. In planning for the trip, we were cautioned to minimize what we brought as space was limited. During our week on that boat, it became painfully obvious that sailors know how to limit the amount of stuff they keep and utilize every possible place for storage.

Happy Hot Tub Ownership!

hot tub -

We all at times make purchasing decision based on emotion, and in our house emotions were working overtime as we debated “want vs need”. My wife’s eyes are rolling right now as she says “common live a little, a hot tub will bring us closer together”! “Really or one step further away from retirement” I would say (under my breath).