Whatever the weather in your area it’s not too early to get a head start on improving your homes backyard this spring weekend with these project ideas.
It may be in the early stages of spring and depending on where you are in the country the weather may or may not be hospitable to starting outdoor projects. That shouldn’t stop you from turning your garage into a temporary work shop to get started. Moving small outdoor projects indoors will give you a head a start on deck season. Here are a number of spring weekend project ideas that you can get started on right now.
Patio Furniture

If you stored your lawn furniture for the winter, bring it outdoors and give it a hose rinse, or wash it with a mild detergent. For metal furniture, check for signs of rust or paint erosion. A simple remedy of spray enamel will prevent further damage from sun, rain and humidity in the months ahead. Have a look at our article on painting furniture for some inspiration. Maybe your furniture cushions are looking a little tired. If you have a sewing machine in your family this is an easy makeover to get you a few more seasons out of your furniture.

If your gas grill has remained idle over the winter months. Start with a simple check-up on the burner jets for clogs and obstructions. Inspect hoses so that gas hoses and connections are sound and secure. Many of us leave the grill on the back deck all winter and this often causes rusting is significant areas. Remove the grills and inspect the burners. Sometimes they just need a little cleaning with a wire brush. Check to see that the holes in the burners are not clogged and if they are, you can usually clean them with a bottle-brush. If these are rusted significantly, you can easily replace them with the help of your local home improvement store. Many of the models on the make today have universal and interchangeable aftermarket parts available.

When it comes to over-all cleaning a great trick is to use some oven cleaner. Apply the cleaner to the grills and heavily greased areas and leave the grills for a few hours and then spray them off. Be careful not to apply the oven cleaner to rubber or plastic parts as this may cause damage.
For charcoal grill owners, make certain your grill is clean of ash and free of grease residue. It’s a good habit to adopt throughout the grilling season, not just in the spring. Whatever type of grill you have a good cleaning and some paint can improve the look and operation. Many of the parts that wear quickly are easy to repair or replaced. Avoid the disappointment of having your grill out of service on the first sunny Saturday!
Deck Top Gardens

Like many gardeners, you might be anxious to get your hands in the soil again. Here’s an idea that can help you expand you garden onto your deck. With the rise in popularity of container gardening there are many fresh ideas around on converting old items around the home into a container garden. It may be as simple as a tabletop herb garden. Having this just outside you back door as you are prepping your meals is a welcome addition to any back deck. Not only will you same money but also have the satisfaction of growing this yourself.
Wall Herb Garden

Another current gardening trend is growing vertically. As outdoor yard space becomes increasing smaller, look to your walls and fences for space to grow your veggies this summer. Buy constructing some easy to build boxes to attached to the base of your fence or just sitting on the ground you can grow many varies of vegetables with some string or netting attached to the fence. If you are interested in something for the wall of your house or your fence, have a look at these examples. Getting a head start on constructing the box indoors now will speed up the planting process in a few weeks.

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