Prioritize like a pro....the smell of spring is just around the corner, like many you’ve spent the long winter gathering ideas on your free account. Now it is time to refine that list, evaluating Time, Money and Skill as the three elements are seldom aligned!
Inside or outside, big projects or little ones, what do you start with,
how do you prioritize?
Once upon a time in a land far away…
One spring morning, I stopped to talk to an elderly neighbor who was busy completing his daily chores. I commented on his Century home, which I always admired for being in perfect condition. “How do you manage to keep all of this so beautiful, year after year” I asked from the curb.

My neighbor was quick to say, “commitment”, curiously I asked for further explanation. He continued “one large project per year and committing to 365 days of maintenance, so that in my lifetime I will never have to do the same project again”. On the rest of my walk I thought about how we so often see the result and fail to appreciate the effort.
Start by doing nothing!
The hibernation is over, take time to pause and reflect on the entire list of things that were thought about over the winter. Consider if winter is truly over or just trying to fool you, nothing worse than starting the outdoor project only to be buried again by a late spring snow storm. Take this time to clean, remeasure, reassess your project so you only start once.
If it is a larger project, contractors may want to get started however half load restrictions or winter heating of concrete may affect your budget.

Want vs Need
We all dream of that great deck, outdoor fireplace or swimming pool, but if your house shingles came off the roof at same rate as the winter snow, time to reassess your priorities!
Survey your entire house and see what NEEDS to be done and move those items to the top of the priority list.
When the late spring snow puts your plans on hold, take the time to review all the great design ideas and tips about home renovation planning.
Take a look at shingles, gutters, windows, stairs and hand rails make sure your investment and family are safe before impressing the neighbours.
No do-overs!
Open your mind and look at the entire list of projects needed, now and in the future to reduce the risk of repeating work. Imagine installing an amazing sprinkler system last year and this year planning to install a pool, prioritize!
You might laugh but how often that happens, you install new eve trough and a year latter you decide you need a new roof and the roofers damage that one year old eve trough, prioritize!
Major importance factor, self evaluation time!
Really consider if the project is a “Do it yourself” or a “Do it (and I will help) Pro”. Find the real cost of hiring a pro!
SKILL, TIME, MONEY you can have two at a time but never three!
If your new to the DIY, consider finding a contractor that will work with you. Be the purchaser for your project or work side by side a willing contractor.
Budget or broke!
Here’s the fact, money is cheap right now. Not that you can over extend yourself however take a look at your big projects, it may be cheaper and more productive to borrow to get all the priority projects done at one time. If your replacing windows, look at the exterior siding or interior trim work. Putting on a new roof, consider having the gutters done at the same time.
Take time to enjoy

Somewhere in the plan you have to set aside time to enjoy your hard work, winter will come again, yes prioritize!
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