Wallpaper decoration and design ideas have had a resurgence lately. It’s certainly no surprise as the possibilities seem endless with all of the manufactures offerings. Using wallpaper as part of your decoration ideas could be as simple as a feature wall or wainscot application. Or perhaps you have something more dramatic in mind lake a master suite makeover using a fabric wallpaper. Whatever you’re dreaming of, quinju.com has some ideas for your project !
Using wallpaper as a wall covering and decoration is certainly not a new concept since its been around for hundreds of years and can trace its history to its first use in China. Of course, many people think of the older looks of the Victorian era when it comes to wallpaper. But that choice is far from the thousands of different designs and materials available today.
Wallpaper as a wall covering is as vogue today as it was a 100 years ago. A timeless option that has evolved into new innovative ideas. With a wide variety of styles, materials, and designs from which to select.
If you are you looking for wallpaper decoration ideas. Why not try a floral feature wall in the bedroom, statement geometrics in the living room or a folksy design for a kid's room. There really are so many unique ways to hang wallpaper in your home.

Today, wallpaper and coverings made from other materials - such as vinyl wall covering, bamboo wall covering, fabric wall covering, wood wall covering, textured wall covering, and even leather wall covering are available. There are many popular options with vogue interior decor in mind.
An interior wall lavishly adorned with a stunning wallpaper mural, or even fabric wallpaper can give a room that flamboyant flair. Even infinite styles of wall covering borders are available to accent any wall covering style; whether muted and understated, or brash and bold.

Blue and white modern lounge
Now that you have some ideas on what you might like to do with wallpaper in your room. Do you need ideas or inspiration in choosing colors to set the mood you looking for? If you are, check out our recent article on how paint color sets the mood.
Shopping for wallpaper
The basics of buying
You will find lots of online shopping options but for your first time papering, we recommend that you buy from a paint and wall covering store. The staff can advise you on the best primers, paste and tools for the particular paper you select. They'll answer any questions unique to your situation. Tell the salesperson where you'll be using the paper, and ask what features you'll need to meet the demands of the room.

When you first open a wallpaper sample book you will notice thaty the back of the wallpaper sample tells about ordering, durability and the essential hanging details you need to know. If the sample doesn't have this information, ask the salesperson about each of the following categories
Vertical Repeat
The repeat is the length of the image before it shows itself again. Repeats can range from none, for a covering without a pattern, to more than 36 in. Order extra paper for repeats more than 24 in.; you'll waste a lot when matching the pattern.
The match is how the patterns align sheet to sheet. A straight match requires shifting the pattern to have all the pattern features at the same distance from the ceiling. With a random match, you don’t have to fuss with lining up patterns from sheet to sheet. This is the easiest pattern to hang. You align the pattern of a drop match halfway down the repeat. With drop matches, plan the dominant elements so you don't slice them off at the ceiling.
Single or double rolls
Look for the square foot coverage to calculate how many rolls you'll need to cover a room. In double-roll bolts, the paper is twice as long as on a single roll. Compared with a single roll, this provides more usable square footage of paper. Add up the area of the walls (minus doors and windows) and divide by the number of square feet listed on the roll. Round up your calculation to the nearest roll. Order at least one extra roll, two if you've got a lot of tricky cuts or angles. The worst thing that can happen when wallpapering is to run out of paper!
Wash-ability is the degree of cleaning a paper can take before showing wear. If a paper isn't washable, use it only in areas that aren't subject to a lot of abuse. For example, a kids play room or entry door are you may want to consider a durable vinyl. You get the idea!
Pretrimmed and prepasted
Most wallpapers are pretrimmed, which means the edges are perfectly cut and all ready for hanging. Don't store or drop pretrimmed papers on the ends because you’ll mar the edges. Untrimmed papers require a good straightedge and experience to cut. Stick with a pretrimmed and prepasted paper for your first hanging experience.
Over the years wallpaper may have received some bad reviews because of some problems that can occur. the fact is that most of these issues can easily be avoided if the proper preparation is completed and a few basic installation methods are followed. Don't be put off by any bad press, wallpapering is a great DIY home improvement project. More on the installation of wallpaper in our step by step guide in our article next week.