In this fourth and last installment on the Stages of's framework we will cover the Implementing Stage with some interesting insights and ideas on how you can use it on your projects!
A Quick Recap First
Before we explore the details of the implementing stage, let's do a quick review of the previous stages and some of their key activities:
- Inspiring: Here you collect your ideas and inspirations. Everything you would like your project to be. The rule of thumb is DREAM BIG. Don't get caught up on whether you can or cannot afford something, the key is to collect the ideas. Remember: There is always a way to recreate any ideas in a more affordable way if needed.
- Defining: Now it is time to learn more about the products you would like to use. Knowledge is power!'s Defining - Product Research activity has everything you need to neatly organize everything about each of the products, materials and services you would like to use.
- Planning: Alright, reality check time! With all ideas collected and proper research on products, materials and services time to start collecting quotes and add those dollars. Can you do it? Needs some changes? It is easy with all the information at your finger tips!
We won't be exploring the actual screens here because the good news is: you already know how to use all activities! They leverage the same platforms used for previous activities. That is one of the great advantages of!
Let's focus instead on the importance of certain activities and what they represent for your renovation project, not only now during execution but also for years to come!
The first two activities are Material and Labor Orders. For each item in your project, there is the right spot ready for you to store all there is about the orders.
It is very important to proceed with this archiving of orders as you need to ensure that, in case anything goes sideways, you have the details ready and with they will be with you anywhere, anytime!
In general when loading documents into your projects make sure to make good use of Descriptions, Keywords and Comments. These fields will prove very useful whenever you need to search for anything in your projects.
Orders also allow you to capture your actual spending and those numbers are immediately updated on your Financial Cards in every activity and in your Project View page (see below).

This will help you keep an eye on your budget!
Before you Start
Make sure you capture images and movies of everything the way it was before work commences.
This is how you can retrace your steps in the future if necessary!
For example, let's say your project is re-doing your master bathroom. Capture images of all parts of the bathroom before any work is done, focus on each item in detail.
Assume your project will do some plumbing but will re-use the cabinetry, you want to make sure you have several detailed/close-up shots of your cabinets showing their general condition (both outside and inside) before the renovation.
Then in case of any problems when removing or reinstalling them, you're covered!
Get it Done
A lot will happen and go into this activity. Here is one of the places well detailed descriptions, keywords and comments really pay-off!
The obvious things to do here are to snap pictures and movies of the various stages of execution: demolition/removal of items, recording the state of things before installation/changes start, recording the stages of work execution, etc.
All this, again, may prove extremely valuable in the future. Cases where you need repairs or just an upgrade. You will have in detail everything that was done in that area. What is behind the wall? No problem, you have it! No more surprises!
Another part that might be less evident is to record change in plans, or change orders.
As you open up a wall for example, you and your contractor find something unexpected that requires changes to your original plans.
Make sure to document the change order and store it here.
Most cases, your contractor will issue a change order document and request your signature. Cover the basics, make it clear and store it into your project!
A change order can be as simple as you shooting a quick video of you and your contractor discussing and agreeing on the change. Just make sure to cover the basics: what is the reason for change, what is the change itself, what is the budget impact and what is the schedule impact. Depending on your contract you may also want to agree on any penalties in case the change is not carried on as agreed.
After Completion
Now it is time to make some proud shots of your master piece! Record the result of your hard work! You Dream is realized!
That is great and absolutely important, more important yet is when things don't end up as planned.
During planning you might have received (and stored in your project!) renderings of what you master bath would look like and what you see now does not match those...
You want to cover it in detail because as unpleasant as it is, you will likely have a battle in your hands... Again, this is another case that having your project documented and organized with has big pay-offs!
Your ability to retrieve all your project's information and use it to lay your case might be the difference between realizing your dream or end up with a terrible renovation trauma!
Archiving is not an actual stage on the framework but it is the last activity you should perform on every project.
On every project card, on the My Projects screen, there is an Archive Project button - the yellow button with an archive box icon - simply click on that button and confirm you wish to archive and will label that project as archived!

That will make sure your project is not included in some summaries, dashboard reports and other places. There are special reports that include Archived Projects.
One note about archiving project: before you archive any project, go through the entire project and make sure nothing is missing. You might notice documents, images, links or any other item you forgot to include along the way.
This to make sure that come a situation in the future, you don't find yourself scrambling for information and realize you missed putting something in your project.
This ends this series on the Stages of We hope it has been helpful to everyone. If you have not done yet, open your FREE account and start collecting everything about your home renovation projects!
You can even catch up adding projects you've already completed, it is never too late to make sure everything is in the right place and safely archived!